the randomness that I call my life

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Halloween Time!

So one of my favorite holidays is almost here.....and as you all know, Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my favorite movies. :)
So last week a new cd was released.....with a bunch of remakes of all the songs by different artists. If you are a fan of the movie and/or music it's definitely worth checking out
I think my favorite song on there is probably Amy Lee's (Evanescence) version of Sally's Song.
I got it off Itunes.....but I'm sure it's on amazon and other places as well. It's called Nightmare Revisited =D

And yes, I have been on Haunted Mansion Holiday this year. Not many times, since due to my being a gimp lately I haven't been able to make it up there much. And even when I have I don't last very long. But I've been on it a couple times. And the dining room table centerpiece they have this year might be my favorite. I'll give you a hint......'No! Not my gumdrop buttons!' :o)

Now playing: RJD2 - Christmas Eve Montage
via FoxyTunes


  • I absolutely love Halloween too! I wish this "holiday" was more than once a year!!

    Although, I can't say I've been on the Haunted Mansion yet this year. :(

    By Blogger Traci, at 11:59 AM  

  • I'm so jealous of Haunted Mansion Holiday!

    By Blogger Amber, at 4:21 PM  

  • You could have mentioned that this had one of my favorite bands singing my favorite nightmare song, I would have gotten them days ago. :)

    By Blogger Holly, at 7:32 AM  

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